Monday, May 7, 2007

Testing faq page3

what is cross browser testing?
Cross browser testing - application tested with different browser for usablity testing & compatiblity testing

What is difference between Waterfall model and V model?
The waterfall model is a software development model (a process for the creation of software) in which development is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing (validation), integration, and maintenance.To follow the waterfall model, one proceeds from one phase to the next in a purely sequential manner.The model maintains that one should move to a phase only when its preceding phase is completed and perfected. Phases of development in the waterfall model are thus discrete, and there is no jumping back and forth or overlap between them.In Waterfall Model the tester role will take place only in the testing phase
V Model or Life cycle testing involves continuous testing of the system during the developmental process. At predetermined points, the results of the development process are inspected to determine the correctness of the implementation. These inspections identify defects at the earliest possible point.when the project starts both the system development process and system test process begins. The team that is developing the system begins the systems development process and the team that is conducting the system test begins planning the system test process. Both teams start at the same point using the same information.

what is the difference between Alpha testing and Beta testing?
Typically, software goes through two stages of testing before it is considered finished. The first stage, called alpha testing, is often performed only by users within the organization developing the software. The second stage, called beta testing , generally involves a limited number of external users.

What is Baseline document, Can you say any two?
A baseline document is a document which has covered all the details and went thrugh a "walkthrough". Once a document is baselined it cannot be changed unless there is a change request has been approved. For instance we have requirements document baselined ,then High level design docment baselined and so on....

Briefly explain what is software Testing Life Cycle?
Software testing life cycle contains the following components:
2.Test Plan preparation
3.Test case preparation
4. Test case execution
5.Bug Analysis
6.Bug Report
7.Bug Tracking and closure

What is the difference between System and End-to-End testing?
System testing - black-box type testing that is based on overall requirements specifications; covers all combined parts of a system.
End-to-end testing - similar to system testing but involves testing of the application in a environment that mimics real-world use, such as interacting with a database, using network communications, or interacting with other hardware, applications, or systems if appropriate. Even the transactions performed mimics the end users usage of the application.

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